National Teen Dating Violence Hotline: Call 1-866-331-9474 or text "loveis" to 77054

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Ideas for Domestic Violence

There is always room for new ideas for domestic violence, especially concerning prevention. Teens and adults alike can both work to end domestic violence. We can get involved in our communities and schools, join organizations and groups, raise awareness through various methods, and donate.

Below are a couple links with information about new ideas on actions we can take to help end the epidemic of domestic violence.

This link shares ideas including asking for help from elected officials, writing an opinion piece in a local newspaper, writing and sharing informational blogs, sharing information through social networking,  distributing materials to bring awareness, hosting events to make an impact, and joining groups to break the cycle of domestic violence. This site is specific to teen dating violence but the ideas presented can be used for all types of domestic violence.

This is another site that shares ideas on how to take action. Though this site is specific to teen dating violence as well, many of the ideas mentioned here can also be used for other types of domestic violence.

Each and every one of us can do our part. What are you doing in your community? Please feel free to share your ideas as well. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Emerging Issues of Domestic Violence: Cyberbullying

The advances in technology have resulted in a more recent form of bullying, known as cyberbullying.

What is it?

Cyberbullying is a term used to describe the use of technology to victimize a child, preteen, or teen by another minor. This is done through the use of communication technology such as cell phones, chat rooms, instant messaging, and more recently, social networking sites. Cyberbullying includes targeting, embarrassing, threatening, and harassing.   

This form of abuse is a fast growing trend and can occur 24/7.

A 2006 study revealed that 11% of youths surveyed on a popular teen website admitted to bullying others online, while 29% of those that responded said that they had been victims of some form of cyberbullying, and 47% had been witnesses to cyberbullying.  50% of the sample admitted to being disrespected by others online, while roughly 21% reported being threatened by others. 

A similar study reported in 2010 found that girls are much more likely to experience cyberbullying, and that roughly 20% of the sample admitted to having cyberbullied others or having been a victim of cyberbullying in their lifetime.  

Most disturbingly, a recent report reveals that cyberbullying victims surveyed at a middle school in a large U.S. school district are almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide than those who did not report being victims of cyberbullying. Although the report makes clear that cyberbullying in and of itself is generally not the sole cause of teenage suicide, it certainly serves to aggravate the emotional disturbances experienced by youths already facing numerous difficulties and stressors.

For information on what to do if you are a victim of cyberbullying, click the link below:

It is also important for parents to know what to do when their child is a victim of cyberbullying.

For more information on how parents can help, click the links below:  

Song Lyrics for Teen Dating Violence

I chose this song because it represents the feelings I had reading Chapter 6

Face Down

Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy
One look puts the rhythm in my head
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down

Cover up with makeup in the mirror
Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
You cry alone and that he swears he loves you

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wait around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down

I see the way you go and say you're alright again
Say you're alright again
Heed my lecture

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

One day she will tell you that she has had enough
It's coming round again

Face down in the dirt she says "this doesn't hurt"
She says " I've finally had enough"
Face down in the dirt she says "this doesn't hurt"
She says " I've finally had enough"

Useful Internet Sites for Chapter 14

I chose this particular site because it contains many helpful resources, information, facts, tips, and quizzes to help teens affected by dating violence.

The second site I chose is helpful for men, women, children, and teens. This site has facts on abuse, a list of warning signs, educational tools, and even a news tab.

Video Clip for Teen Dating Violence

I chose this video because it explains teen dating violence from the point of view of survivors. This video also explains dating violence very well because it shows facts and information about abuse throughout the video.

Visual illustration of Chapter 6

I chose this visual illustration because it speaks to individuals who are victims of dating violence and brings awareness. The barcode on her forehead is an excellent demonstration showing how one can feel like they are someone’s possession. I like the words, “If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.” It is important to know the warning signs of an abusive relationship. The sooner these signs are recognized, the easier it will be for the victim to end the relationship before there is more emotional attachment. 

Scholarly Journal Article on Teen Dating Violence

This is a really informative paper on teen dating violence. It starts out with a poem written by a teenage victim that explains the cycle of abuse. It also includes many statistics, data, facts, and information on different types of abuse, teen dating violence in same sex relationships, seeking help, and much more.