National Teen Dating Violence Hotline: Call 1-866-331-9474 or text "loveis" to 77054

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Ideas for Domestic Violence

There is always room for new ideas for domestic violence, especially concerning prevention. Teens and adults alike can both work to end domestic violence. We can get involved in our communities and schools, join organizations and groups, raise awareness through various methods, and donate.

Below are a couple links with information about new ideas on actions we can take to help end the epidemic of domestic violence.

This link shares ideas including asking for help from elected officials, writing an opinion piece in a local newspaper, writing and sharing informational blogs, sharing information through social networking,  distributing materials to bring awareness, hosting events to make an impact, and joining groups to break the cycle of domestic violence. This site is specific to teen dating violence but the ideas presented can be used for all types of domestic violence.

This is another site that shares ideas on how to take action. Though this site is specific to teen dating violence as well, many of the ideas mentioned here can also be used for other types of domestic violence.

Each and every one of us can do our part. What are you doing in your community? Please feel free to share your ideas as well. 

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